Friday, March 6, 2009

Holding Hands...

What does it mean to hold someone's hand?
Try holding one, especially of the one you love...

“The spaces between your fingers were created so that another’s could fill them in”

Walking beneath the starlit sky...
On a silent night, of the month of March...
I held her hand for the first time...
A sense of love and belonging filled my heart...
As i furtively stole her love...

It was like a silent communication...
Assuring ......... "I am there with you"
To make her smile, when in pain...
To break her fall, when she stumbles...
And finally to show that i care...

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold urs...

1 comment:

raquel said...

hello, I´m Raquel and I´m from Madrid, Spain. I see your blog and it´s beautifull, I love your blog, congratulation!! very kises
my blog is:
you go, very kiss